Wednesday 10 December 2014


This project calls for a simple public building with some complexity that includes site topography and vegetation, socio-cultural events and variety of strategies for sustainable design. It explores design solutions that harness environmental qualities and conditions for human and environment sustainability through a project with a specific community of users. It requires exploration of design solutions that reduce environmental impact utilizing clustered spatial typology and passive design approach. Overall, the design work should contribute to and merge harmoniously with nature and the site, and provide the best of experiences for the users. Chosen site to be Belum Rainforest Resort, Pulau Banding located up in the north of Peninsular Malaysia, an in-depth site analysis has been carried out throughout the site visit to obtain relevant information needed for the design. The design process started out with conceptual ideas which are then translated into building forms and further refined into a more comprehensive building. Overall, this NAC design intends to strengthen the relationship between nature and man as well as provide means for users to understand and appreciate nature without having distractions from the current world. Below shows the outcome of this project :

1) Site Analysis

2) NAC

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Exploration of clustered typology.
  2. Able to identify and incorporate environmental qualities and contextual needs relevant to design.
  3. Application of sustainable design ideas.
  4. Appreciation of nature and architecture.

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