Saturday 29 March 2014


The report is additional documents that accompany the set of drawings for the building that is measured during the semester. Basically, the report will elaborate on the significance of the building being measured from various aspects such as architectural, historical and cultural. In this report, students are required to relate the architecture of the building to its significance, highlighting how the two support the inhabitation of the building. Students are also required to prepare a presentation, photo book and a website about their site.

Link : click here to REPORT
Link : click here to PHOTO BOOK
Link : click here to PRESENTATION & VIDEO
Link : click here to WEBSITE

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Describe architectural cultural heritage.
  2. Explain the as-built building constructions, architectural details and elements.


This project will be carried out throughout the semester where students will be assigned to measure and document a historical / heritage building and translate all the data into a set of drawings. Each group will have to only measure one particular building assigned by the lecturer. Apart from doing the measuring exercise on site, students will also need to do additional research in order to piece together all the important data about the building. The model on the other hand will provide additional physical information of the building.

A summary (video) showing the products over the couple months.




Link : click here to MORE PHOTOS
Link : click here to SCALED DRAWINGS

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Recognize and recall architectural historic structure documentation method.
  2. Recommend the appropriate method of architectural historic documentation. 
  3. Recognize and recall techniques of measured drawing and documentation.
  4. Able to execute fieldwork and hands-on measurement.
  5. Able to translate measured data into scaled drawings and model-making.


This project is an on-site exercise where students have to sketch, document and analyse the physical and intangible qualities of the building being measured as well as the immediate context of the site. It can be from an element as broad as the urban planning itself down to the smallest detail of the ornaments used in the building.

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Identify and classify architectural historic structure.
  2. Recognize and recall architectural historic structure.
  3. Improve sketching skills.