Thursday 11 July 2013


Fig. 1 Self-portrait.

In this project, the grafted self-portrait in Fig. 1 is mainly a future reflection of myself. Starting from the bottom are the roots that keep my passion igniting; Taylor's shaping my future, love and support from family and knowledge and experience. Next, the main feature, the lamp that is shiny represents my dream likewise the genie pot in 'Aladdin'. Then, the bright background behind represents my burning passion. The paper collage that symbolizes smoke coming out from the lamp represents my thoughts and ideas that drives me towards my goals. Buildings in odd shapes along the collage indicates that I am keen on thinking out of the box and wanting to try new things. Following the globe where a flag is shown represents my origin and background and that I will stick to my principles despite the ever-changing of the world. Lastly, the human figure above is ME. Dressed in white indicates that I am 'clean',  polite and humble. A smile is portrayed shows that I love to smile in many situations. The reason of placing myself on top of the portrait is mainly to show that I have reached my dreams and goals.

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Able to identify self character and translate into an abstract manner.
  2. Able to share self-identity to others.
  3. Sparks up creative thinking.

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