Friday 13 June 2014


In this task, furniture have been added into the interior spaces in accordance to the design concept. Furniture have been sourced as blocks from archive3d and flyingarchitecture. Therefore, credits are given to the respective owners. Although, these furniture come completed in the form of blocks, but they have been edited to suit the interior spaces. For example, the materials or certain furniture have been readjusted to create harmony with other furniture in the space. Below are some of the interior test renders:

Figure 1. A carpet, chair and side table have been added into the living room. The concept of this space is minimalism but in order to bring warmth to the space, colors have been added that is in contrast with the clean colors of the chair and sofa along with the drapes. 
Figure 2. The color of the carpet have been changed so that it goes well with the colors of the seats and also the bare concrete flooring.
Figure 3. The sofa set have been changed so that it matches the chair and the overall design.
Figure 4. Another chair have been added. The color of it have been adjusted to a warm color to provide warmth to the space. A table is also added that houses some of the decoration wares. And to complete the whole space, decorations in warm tone have been placed in the space. The ceiling light and stand-alone light are added and this design wraps up the overall concept wanted.
Figure 5. Finally, drapes have been added into the space. However, the result is not as intended. Therefore, I have adjusted the properties of the material.
Figure 6. After all the furniture and adjustments have been made, I started to explore different angles and natural day lighting for different shadow casts in order to show the overall space in a much more exciting view.
Figure 7. Exploring different sun angles for shadow casting.
Figure 8. The hidden materials (context) are shown after acquiring the right view which I then proceeded into rendering the final image.

Below are the final interior renderings with the settings changed such as final bounce, final gather points and quality:

Interior render 1: Living Room

Interior render 2: The space below the staircase that also leads to the kitchen area is made into a walkway/zen spot with cabinets and seats. This space has a unique play of shadows cast by the louvers. Besides, the chrome column supporting the platform also reflects the surrounding.

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