Thursday 17 July 2014


In this project, we have to understand both solid and surface constructions respectively. Moving on, we are assigned to select a building to further conduct research to aid in the development of the latter process and the physical model. The building that our group have identified is, Haesley Nine Bridges Golf Club House, Korea by architect Shigeru Ban. The component that we intend to highlight is the construction of the surface of this building. The interesting form of this architecture draws our attention. From there, we have conducted a thorough research to understand the building more deeply such as the concepts adapted, materiality and the approach in construction. Based on the gathered information, we then brainstormed for ideas on the physical model we are supposed to produce. Based on trial and errors, we have came up with a final design for our physical model and then proceeded into the making of the final model showing the form and details of the construction. To sum up, we have also produced a brief report regarding the building constructions to aid in the understanding of the building as well as to clarify our findings. The development process have also been recorded together with evidences to clarify our findings. Below are the final submissions :

1) Report

2) Final model

3) Individual component

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Able to identify the basic structural systems in constructions.
  2. Further understand the construction of surface structures.
  3. Able to generate relationship with the real world designs based on the studied building.
  4. Understand the studied building in depth.

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