Monday 8 December 2014


In a group of six, a truss bridge design has to be produced and built from fettuccine using suitable adhesives. Several truss designs has been studied as well as precedent studies on existing bridges to aid in the construction of a physical bridge. The bridge has to be achieved a clear span of 750mm and a maximum weight of 200g. The final bridge was put to a test until fail. Attached below is the report comprising of 1) precedent studies, 2) truss bridge designs & tests, 3) final truss bridge & report & 4) individual component.

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Able to evaluate, explore and improve attributes of construction materials.
  2. Understanding and application of load distribution in a truss.
  3. Identification of tension and compression members in a truss structure
  4. Able to explore different arrangement of members in a truss structure

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