Tuesday 7 July 2015


This project requires selection of a defined area of our hometown and see it “through the eyes” of one architect, urban designer or theoretician that was discussed in the lecture series. Then, apply or translate design theories and historic urban design approaches onto this area. Imagine how the architect or urban designer may have analysed and interpreted in this chosen area. The application or translation is done in both a graphical language and sketch design and accompanied by short reflective text of 500 words.

The chosen area is Putrajaya, Malaysia being a hometown for majority of our group members. Then, a theory is selected which is the Garden City Theory by Ebenezer Howard. Based on that, the ideas from the theory is further applied into the chosen area but however, only proposed for the micro-site which is Precinct 4. Firstly, problems were identified from the site and then, brainstorming sessions were conducted with aid of tutorials with the respective tutors. The problems were then solved using ideas of the Garden City Theory in order to make the site or generally, Putrajaya to be a better garden city.

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Able to describe relevant theories which have shaped cities and experience around architecture, including its role as mediator between our society and its architecture.
  2. Able to provide critical perspectives on key issues within the contemporary discourse of architecture, through integration of case-studies and theoretical studies.
  3. Understanding of the complexity of architecture.

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