Tuesday 7 July 2015


“Is architecture merely sculpture – the 3 Dimensional Compositions of forms in space? Is it the application of aesthetic considerations onto the form of buildings – the art of making building beautiful? Is it the decoration of buildings? Is it the introduction of poetic meaning into buildings? Is it the ordering of buildings according to some intellectual system – classicism, functionalism, post-modernism, etc? (Unwin, S. 2014)

This synopsis attempts to interpret architecture according to established architectural theory and conditions within which architecture is done.

In a group of 4, a reading is distributed weekly (4) and read, understood and discussed. The ideas derived from the reading is presented to the class and knowledge and opinions were taken into consideration. As of that, amendments have been made prior to submission.

Synopsis (compiled) :

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Able to describe the theoretical issues related to design through study of architecture and urbanism and its related studies.
  2. Further understanding of architectural theories.
  3. Able to relate architectural theories to contemporary architecture and urban forms.
  4. Promote interaction and discussion among students in terms of architectural ideas.

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