Saturday 11 July 2015


After completing the preliminary studies in project 1, students have concentrated on designing a contemporary market-place within an urban infill site. The design of the building is to consist of appropriate architectural responses that address the aspects of the urban street context and user behavioural patterns as discerned and analysed in the Preliminary Studies.

Apart from developing an appropriate formal and elevational strategy in response to the character of the street, the design should take into consideration a holistic application of structural, spatial, functional and environmental requirements to address the user needs for an urban market-place. The design development of this project will include an introduction to the legislative restrictions that impact an architectural scheme, the integration of lighting and acoustic design, as well as the design exploration and detailing of the façade and building envelopes that is coherent with the architectural language of the overall design project.

Project Requirements and Design Stages, Objectives and Outcomes
The scheme for a contemporary urban market-place should strictly span a total floor area of between 1000m2 -1200m2 , and comprise between 3-5 storeys only within its infill lot.
Sufficient floor area must be allocated for the design of a public realm, circulation and ancillary functions (i.e. loading/unloading bays, ingress and egress, refuse circulation, collection and storage) that is required for a market-place of this scale and type.
The design scheme must also take into consideration the appropriate building setbacks and basic fire requirements (i.e. escape distances, stairs and shaft).

1) Final Presentation Boards

2) Final Model

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